I hope some major well respected psychologist give us some pointers on this. I'm all for being one's authentic self in a healthy way for them and society in general.
Here you go...
why are so many youth flipping out and gunning down fellow students?
is there something seriously wrong with society?
does the public education/indoctrination system need some serious tweaking?
I hope some major well respected psychologist give us some pointers on this. I'm all for being one's authentic self in a healthy way for them and society in general.
Here you go...
why are so many youth flipping out and gunning down fellow students?
is there something seriously wrong with society?
does the public education/indoctrination system need some serious tweaking?
I marked this in my mind when you first posted it. But you haven’t said what things are being deemed bad or in need of correction. I can’t know what you mean here.
Men were once highly thought of by society when they banded together, were tough, brave, take charge, daring, aggressive etc. and the ones that were that way were more likely to survive. More and more, being aggressive, being able to take charge and being tough are not all that necessary for survival but most men and boys to varying degrees are hard wired to be that way and there aren't many outlets for it any more.
In times of peace or plenty, men invented games or customs that allowed them to join together and let off steam, be aggressive, be competitive and feel a sense of belonging, camaraderie and accomplishment. Often their work involved physical exertion and provided them with a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie and belonging. Today, a lot boys are holed up in their rooms sitting behind computer screens isolating themselves from actual human contact.They have no outlet for the hard wired tendencies they possess and are sometimes given the message that these tendencies are bad or wrong. The men in their life may be absent or unsure of their own role as males. The resulting resentment and frustration they feel festers into mental illness.
Men are usually happy to let women do their thing but women often want to change men, reel them in, tamp them down and ratchet back their male tendencies. Boys typically don't want to join the girls softball team or be girl scouts but today, boys are required to allow girls to join in every activity that they do and they are expected to change their behavior to accommodate the girls. If a boy wanted to be on the girls softball team, he'd likely be mocked his peers and his sexuality might even be questioned but when a girl wants to join in and activity that is typically male, she is encouraged and even thought of as admirable.
My sons were on the high school wrestling team and sometimes there'd be a girl on the opposing team. The boys often didn't know what to do or where to put their hands. The felt bad if they won because it meant they just beaten a girl and if they lost, they felt bad because they were beaten by a girl.
Anyway, it's a complex issue and I'm oversimplifying things here but there are studies that show how the changing role of men and boys in our society combined with our countries unhealthy relationship with guns and the resulting inadequacies in the gun control regulations and the upsurge in the ability for anyone to get instant media attention is at the root of why we're seeing an upsurge in young males going on shooting sprees.
why are so many youth flipping out and gunning down fellow students?
is there something seriously wrong with society?
does the public education/indoctrination system need some serious tweaking?
Why are so many youth flipping out and gunning down fellow students?
If I'm not mistaken, all of the school shootings have been carried out by young males.
(The comment below is one I made on an earlier thread on a similar topic)
There are studies that suggest that since the "women's movement" young
males are becoming increasingly lost because large numbers of fathers
are either absent entirely or are distant with their sons because they
too were ignored or neglected or are unsure of their place in the world.
The role of men has become blurred and hard wired masculine traits that
were once thought of as admirable or even necessary, are often deemed
as bad or in need of correction. Boys are no longer able to do things
that boys like to do as a group without girls being included. Girls are
the gold standard of behavior and the message is that boys need to be
more like girls and if men were more like women the world would be a
better place. Fathers are the butt of every joke on television and adult
men are portrayed as clueless buffoons who are mocked and disrespected
by their wives and children. There is evidence that more and more boys
and young men are lost, resentful and hate themselves and are lashing
out at the world around them. Girls on the other hand statistically are
doing better in every way.
Great...any suggestions?
Oh I don't know.....just off the top of my head....maybe limit the amount and type of guns a person can own. Make bullets as difficult to get as a pair of contact lenses or a bottle of prescription drugs. Limit the amount of ammo a person can buy or keep. Make gun owners keep their stock pile of guns at the local firing range rather than in their home where their kids can get at them. Figure out what's going on with young males that makes them want to shoot up their school. Figure out whats going on mentally with the large sections of the population that feel the need to surround themselves with weapons.
I dont claim to have an answer. I suspect that kids are growing up today in a society that does not address some basic need.
What need? I dont know. I do wonder about the lack of heros in todays world. No clear cut good guys or bad guys everyones efforts picked apart on social media. Does that play some role?
There are studies that suggest that since the "women's movement" young males are becoming increasingly lost because large numbers of fathers are either absent entirely or are distant with their sons because they too were ignored or neglected or are unsure of their place in the world. The role of men has become blurred and hard wired masculine traits that were once thought of as admirable or even necessary, are often deemed as bad or in need of correction. Boys are no longer able to do things that boys like to do as a group without girls being included. Girls are the gold standard of behavior and the message is that boys need to be more like girls and if men were more like women the world would be a better place. Fathers are the butt of every joke on television and adult men are portrayed as clueless buffoons who are mocked and disrespected by their wives and children. There is evidence that more and more boys and young men are lost, resentful and hate themselves and are lashing out at the world around them. Girls on the other hand statistically are doing better in every way.
Just another example of how the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun
Perhaps we should all carry a can of spray paint so we can stop graffiti artists dead in their tracks that way we could go back to having spray paint available in the store like we did back in the good ol' days.
People carrying guns may be able to stop a shooter once he's begun shooting and has mowed a dozen people down but the idea is to prevent the shooting in the first place by making the guns or at least the ammo as difficult to get as prescription medicine is. Can you imagine the number of misfires and gun related accidents there would be on a daily basis if everyone walked around carrying a gun just in case they encountered a shooter? Can you imagine the casualties there would be from stray bullets if everyone with a gun opened fire on a shooter in a Mall? They could kill or injure more bystanders than the shooter himself would have.
Statistically we are on a daily basis more likely to get into a serious car accident than we are to encounter a shooter but it would be viewed as impractical or crazy to suggest that we all should wear crash helmets when riding in a car yet there are those who suggest that the solution to the gun problem is that we should all carry guns in the off chance we encounter a shooter.
We brought our own guns to school and took the bus to the school forest and drove deer to each other for hunting season. Now they need safe places because someone may say something that hurts their feelings.
When I was a kid we used to fly down the freeway at 70 mph in the back of a station wagon with no seat belts and we all survived but it doesn't mean that it was a good idea or that we should just ignore the statistics now that we know better. There were plenty of kids killed even though we didn't hear about it or may not have known anyone who was thrown through a windshield.
I don't know what exactly changed but its not good. People are becoming weak and thin skinned.
Humans have always been just as thin skinned, you just hear their complaints more readily now which doesn't mean their complaints don't have any merit. Back in the old days when something went wrong, you just figured it was an isolated incident. Now we can see things on a global scale and can recognize patterns that need to change.
Speaking of thin skinned,for some reason it's legal to buy and possess armor piercing ammunition, but it's illegal to sell it which means you can have it, but nobody can sell it to you. For some reason, when it comes to gun regulations, the logic is so skewed and anyone who points it out is dismissed as being "thin skinned".
Go ahead and allow the public to carry guns if they insist upon it but ban bullets. There's nothing in the constitution about the right to own bullets is there?
I can walk into Walmart and buy bullets but the spray paint is locked up and I have to have a prescription from a doctor before I can purchase my contact lenses or certain medications yet they trust me with bullets without question.
Seems kinda' crazy.
if anyone has any ideas or pictures of a tattoo that would sum up being an ex jw please share.
well, as you all know, my wife (unstuck) and i are not df or da.. we just stopped attending several years back after my "apostate" online activity was found by a nosey employee of ours while she was working in our office (long story if anyone wants to know - it would have to be another thread).
we never met with any elders - no congregation judicial activity occurred (as we would never consent to do so anyway).
so our policy has been to be the same kind, loving, normal people we have always been.
Proverbs 25:21,22 If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink; For you will heap burning coals on his head, And the LORD will reward you.
JW's claim they are being loyal to Jehovah when they shun you but in reality the main motivation for shunning is that it makes them feel extra virtuous about themselves. It's the only bit of personal power that they are allowed to exercise. It's not about Jehovah, it's about them having taken personal offense because your actions have caused them to look at things they don't want to think about.
Being an angry apostate gives them fuel for their fire. Being kind or even behaving as a normal decent person ruins their ability to feel superior to us. It heaps fire coals upon their heads when we do so.
well, i got to see the final day of this years regional convention.and i saw something that disturbs me.. the final, "summing up review" video.
it disturbs me because it was so well done.
(i wish i could remember the title of the song), to the strains of a solo vocalist singing in a fine "irish tenor", we see the actors from the previous videos of the last few days all assembling together in a clearing.
Why didn't the open the sky up last year and save the JW's in Russia from the "bad guys"? He couldn't even keep them from losing their kingdom halls and other properties.
What about the folks in Malawi who were butchered to death because they followed the Governing Body directives. The sky didn't open up and he didn't save them. In fact they are all but forgotten now by the current JW's. who are only interested in what matters to them personally and in seeing videos that reinforce their own feeling of safety.
spoke to my younger brother dan yesterday (he da'd about 6 months ago).
he was telling me that he got a visit from our older brother the day before.
our older brother was raised a jw but never committed, lives a full-on "worldly" life - smokes, binge drinks, hangs out with non-jws, but he's been studying for about 6 years would you believe?.
Your older brother is a dumbell !